This year was no exception although anyone else out there who teaches two sessions of K??? Do you notice that each class is so profoundly different? My AM class was so calm and mild mannered, delicately eating their food. My PM class was all boisterous and spilling cranberry juice right and left...haha. I promise I teach them in the same way, discipline them similarly we have the same management system? It always amazes me how different they can be. Each class takes on its own personality.
Anyway, I am feeling pretty grateful this year... not only do I have a job I love and am passionate about, I get to hang out with those adorable faces. I am also married to my very best friend and we have 3 incredible kiddos. Life is sweet. I hope you are able to find gratitude tomorrow as we pause for a day of thanks. The hubsters and I are finally all settled in at my parents home (it was a long drive with too many potty stops for my 4 year old) and the kids are actually asleep (it is super hard to go to sleep when your cousins are there to play with) my desert is made and in the fridge and my dad is downstairs prepping the turkey for tomorrow. whew. The real question is do we even look at the sale ads? I have to admit that now that Black Friday is Black Thursday I am WAY less into it... I am not about anything cramping on my Thanksgiving!
Happy Turkey Day!