Thursday, February 7, 2013

We are Writers!

Remember back to the beginning of the year... remember all those kiddos who couldn't write their name?  Didn't know any letters? Couldn't make a straight line?!?!  Remember thinking, "Man I am starting all over... all over!"  And little by little day by day we work and learn and then the day comes when you look at their writing and think, "holy cow, we have come so far!"  And then they line up for library without pushing shoving or talking (okay that still doesn't happen every time).  Even still, we are there... it is the time of year that I LOVE.  Now is when I feel all of that hard work is coming together, they are sounding out words, making correct sentences (most of the time), and in some cases writing multiple sentences (that always makes my heart happy!) I love to see them excited about writing, love it!  Here are a few samples from this week!

"I like to go to the farm.  Because I like the farm."

" I like Smelling flowers!  I love flowers!  We love flowers!  Flowers are pretty!"

"I like to go to the cat (store)."

"I like to go to Beaver.  I like Beaver!  Cuz Beaver is fun cuz I get to see my friends."

"I am just me but soon I am going to be a dentist!"

"I like the park.  I like the park so much.  Even just to sit on the sidewalk."

"I like to go to school!  I like school.  School is fun!  I like working!"

"I like to go to the jungle."

"I like to go to the store."

"I like to (go) to my dentist and my dad is my dentist!"

"We like going to the ice cream shop!  I like pink (ice cream)!"

I have added a link to the writing paper that I use in my student's journals.  Click HERE to get your own copy!


  1. You have such a great writers! I love the checklist on the side, I may have to start doing something like that. It's my favorite part of teaching Kinder, seeing them grow so much! :)


    1. I am glad you like the checklist. It has really helped them keep focused on what I am looking for. I am happy to share I will post a link tonight... :)

  2. I absolutely LOVE this! The Checklist and Date boxes are great additions yet there's still room for three lines. Thanks for the share!

  3. Wonderful examples of growing writers. I am just now seeing this (2 years later) and the link for the paper isn't working any longer. I sure would love a copy. My email is if you are still checking this site. :)

  4. This is amazing!!! I love how the checklist is already on the paper, what a time saver!!!

  5. Can you share the paper you used?

  6. Can you please share the blank worksheet?

  7. IS there anyway to get your writing paper?

  8. Do you still have this document? I'd love to use it!

  9. When I try to download document, it says it's in owner's trash. I'd love a copy if you still have it.

  10. I have the same question as others. It says the file is in the owners trash. Is there a way to get a copy of this paper?

  11. Can I get a link to this worksheet please? Looks amazing!!!

  12. First time Kindergarten teacher....I love this. After teacher the upper grades having a rubric is so necessary for our budding writers. My access was denied. Is there a way to get a copy as the others have asked?
